Monday, April 13, 2009

What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger

OK, I'll come clean, we've had what seemed at first to be a setback... On a lovely spring day I decided to put our sprouts out in the sun for a bit, which apparently is a stupid thing to do. By the next morning everything was pretty wilt-y, like it lost a fight with something. For a while, it looked like things wouldn't recover, and we had hushed conversations in the kitchen about starting over... well, maybe that's a bit dramatic. At one point I might have said we should just buy some plants, but through the miracle of our inactivity, things started to turn around.
The instructions for our little peat greenhouse thingie said when the plants started to get their leaves we should thin out the patches and save only the strongest plants... seemed a little cruel to me from the get-go, but since the cardboard cutout from the back of the greenhouse package probably knows more about gardening than I do, I was willing to kill a few things if need be. In the end, the little trip outside did the dirty deed for me, and the strongest of the plants are creeping out of the carnage. If things do survive this next week, I'm taking all the credit for my new gardening technique - only the strong survive, because we don't really know what we're doing, and we're not growing any pansies in our vegetable garden.

1 comment:

  1. You tell 'em! Make 'em *work* for the privilege of being in your garden!


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